Our Wish List

Thanks to generous supporters, the lives of children and their families have been profoundly changed through our therapeutic services, early education, and healthy development services. These programs focus on young children who are at-risk academically, socially, or economically in Manatee, Sarasota, and Charlotte Counties. Your donation will have a powerful, long-term impact on helping them reach their full potential.

Developmental Services


62.5 hours of Speech-Language therapy for the uninsured and underinsured, providing full course of treatment for 10 – 20 children (serves more when children have other funding).


62.5 hours of Occupational therapy for the uninsured and underinsured, providing full course of treatment for 10 – 20 children (serves more when children have other funding).

Developmental Therapy Services


Parent library of supportive resources to supplement treatment at home. i.e. sensory equipment, books, weighted blankets, communication tools/software. Benefits 400+ children per year.


Testing supplies, manuals, inventories, and equipment to assess development for Speech-Language therapy and Occupational therapy services. Benefits 400+ children per year.


Membership to professional training site for ongoing continuing education. Seven professionals serve more than 240 children annually.

Early Childhood Court


Transition Kits for children entering foster care, returning home to their biological family, or becoming adopted. Transition Kids include photo albums, books, journals, comfort toys, blankets, and other practical items that may ease the child’s anxiety during these incredibly stressful times in their life. ECC serves families involved in the child welfare system with at least one child under age 5. d be provided to assist with transportation to work and visits with their children. Benefits more than 240 children annually in Sarasota and Manatee Counties.


Gas cards for caregivers with case plans seeking to regain custody of their child in foster care. Gas cards would be provided to assist with transportation to work and visits with their children. Benefits more than 240 children annually in Sarasota and Manatee Counties.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders – Pilot Project


Pilot of diagnostic evaluations for children exposed to substances other than alcohol during pregnancy.  There is a huge need for comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluations for children with complex needs, especially those in foster care. Without determining the etiology of the symptoms, children receive inappropriate services and experience several disrupted placements in foster care. Provides 3 children with an evaluation involving a mental health professional, speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, and pediatric neuropsychologist.


An updated Sarasota clinic waiting room for families visiting the center for 1- to 2-day evaluations. The current space needs to be refurnished to meet the various needs of children and families visiting the clinic. Serves 100 children annually.

Healthy Families


Diapers for young children participating in the Healthy Families home visiting program.

Mental Health Services


62.5 hours of Mental Health therapy for the uninsured and underinsured.


Early Childhood Court therapeutic treatment and supply material including books, journals, play items, mock hospital room, and in-school travel kits. More than 240 children will benefit.


Outpatient and school-based therapeutic treatment and supply material including books, journals, play items, mock hospital room, and in-school travel kits. More than 1,320 children will benefit.


Therapeutic treatment and supply material including books, journals, play items, mock hospital room, and in-school travel kits. More than 1,320 children will benefit.

Starfish Academy


Costs to provide early childhood education at Starfish Academy for one child for one year (with no other funding support).


For each of the 14 laptops to be used by teachers at the North Port and Sarasota locations. 120 children will benefit annually.

Training Institute: A Learning Platform for Educating Professionals and Caregivers


Funding to develop a comprehensive online education platform to better serve 3,000 annual trainees learning without the program.


Purchase of audio/visual equipment to produce professional media for trainings for 3,000 trainees annually.