The Florida Center is a Best of SRQ Winner

Best of SRQ winner, Gold, Bronze, Bronze and Honorable Mention

The Florida Center For Early Childhood is proud to announce it is a Best of SRQ Winner, placing in the top ranks for several categories in the SRQ Magazines Best OF campaign. This was the agency’s first year participating. Every year SRQ magazine lets readers vote on their favorite local businesses, non-profits, and leaders. The Florida Center was nominated and won in the following categories.

  • Best Local Children’s Nonprofit – Gold
  • Best Local Health Nonprofit – Bronze
  • Best Nonprofit Leader, Kristie Skoglund – Bronze
  • Best Local Nonprofit – Honorable Mention

“We are very grateful to all of our supporters who took the time to vote and share about what The Florida Center means to them,” said Dr. Kristie Skoglund, CEO of The Florida Center. “It is an honor to receive so much recognition, especially in our first year participating.”

SRQ Magazine interviewed some of the voters in a recent article. Here’s what some fo themhad to say about the awards:

Absolutely a fantastic organization that helps our community’s most vulnerable children and families. Led by an exceptional team and passionate board.” – Larry Lawman

Beautiful souls and passionate people!” – Eliza Andrzejcyk

Kristie (Skoglund, CEO) is a strong, fearless leader who has blazed a trail in Florida by becoming one of the first endorsed infant mental health clinical mentors and one of four child-parent psychotherapy trainers in the state. She’s known for always being at the table to collaborate with other organizations to meet our community’s needs. She is consistently raising the bar for quality services through her compassion. – Kimberly Treharne

The Best Of SRQ recognition in the community not only benefits the children and families the agency serves but also helps to attract new supporters and volunteers. To become more involved or support the organization, visit our donation page.

About Us:

For more than 40 years, The Florida Center for Early Childhood has been the leading provider of therapeutic services, early education, and healthy development for young children in southwest Florida, offering a seamless delivery of services for the child and their family. Today, the agency is nationally recognized for its early childhood expertise in a variety of specialties. The Florida Center provides developmental therapies, mental health counseling, Starfish Academy preschool, the Healthy Families home-visiting program, and the state’s only Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders clinic.