Mind Matters Symposium to Feature Prominent Researchers; Early Childhood Experts

Our second annual Mind Matters Symposium will feature prominent authors and researchers Drs. Craig and Sharon Ramey as keynote speakers on Wednesday, June 22, along with several other experts in the field of early childhood.
Registration is now open for the virtual event, taking place from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
All attendees will receive an advance copy of their new book “The Abecedarian Approach to Healthy Development”!
Also featured are Kim Kutch, of The Florida Department of Children and Families, Mandi Coker, of the School District of Sarasota County, and other early childhood experts from The Florida Center including Tamra Cajo, director of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Clinic, Kim Williams, Director of Developmental Services, Jennifer Gravesen, a School-Based Mental Health Therapist and Melissa Cox, an Occupational Therapist.
Teachers and Guardian ad Litems receive 20% entry fee!

The Ramey’s famously conducted a five-decade-long study of high-risk children with a focus on the positive impact of quality childcare and how the absence of such can have devastating effects. They will discuss their findings during their keynote presentation. Registered attendees will receive a copy of the book they authored, The Abecedarian Project, as well as training on their research.
The impact of drastic change on children’s social-emotional development and well-being is an underlying theme that will continue throughout the symposium. As the community emerges from the Covid-19 Pandemic, presenters will discuss challenges children may be experiencing and how early childhood professionals can address them. Other presentations include:
- Impacted at Birth: The Lifetime Effects of Drugs, Alcohol & Trauma
- A Compelling Collaboration: How School-Based Therapy Changed Sarasota Public Schools
- The Paradigm Shift in Early Intervention in a Post-Pandemic Setting.
“We are beyond excited to be hosting this lineup of experts,” said Dr. Kristie Skoglund, Chief Executive Officer for The Florida Center. “I’m so inspired by their willingness to share their knowledge with other early childhood professionals, social service agencies, and caregivers so we can be better equipped to help children overcome the pandemic’s negative effects.”
To purchase tickets for the Mind Matters Symposium CLICK HERE, or email training@TheFloridaCenter.org, or call (941)371-8820 x 1007.